Re-use an old zip seal plastic bag or take-out container to start your seedlings in. Wet the paper and place it inside the bag or container and seal it. Place in indirect sunlight and check daily. Once sprouts appear, mist the paper and place in a prepared planting bed or pot and sprinkle with damp soil. Continue from Step 4!
If you received your plantable card after the planting season has passed, never fear!
• Our cards have a shelf life of two years. However, we recommend planting within one year if it was purchased from one of our retailers.
• Extend seed viability by storing your card in the fridge! Place the card in a zip seal plastic bag along with a silica gel packet (we reuse them from dry food packages) and store it in the fridge until you’re ready to plant.
• Plant indoors! If you have a sunny window, you can grow your card garden in a planter inside. We recommend a south facing window for best results.
You can always contact us.
More info can be found in our FAQ’s under “Our Products”.
Have you planted one of our cards?
Email us a photo or tag us on Instagram @sm_victories!